
  • Getting to know each other.
  • An overview of the lesson structure and objectives.

Graph Categories

  • Scatter plots, bubble charts, heatmaps and correlograms for exploring relationships between two or more features.
  • Bar charts and line charts for comparing different measures or trends.
  • Histograms and box plots for exploring distributions.
  • Pie charts and stacked bar charts for drawing comparisons.

Statistical Inference

  • The concept of statistical inference.
  • The difference between descriptive and inferential statistics.
  • The concepts of correlation, regression and causation.

Data Visualization with Python for Statistical Inference and Storytelling

  • Draw scatter plots, bubble charts and correlograms in Python, using the Seaborn library.
  • Implement data visualization for exploratory analysis of a concrete dataset and telling a story based on the trends that it reveals.
  • Use data visualization to infer information from a concrete dataset.


  • Explore the possibilities of data visualization for statistical inference and storytelling.
  • Figure out the next learning steps.